Access Liquid Nitrogen Anywhere in the World
Cryomech Liquid Nitrogen Plants center their robust and versatile design on the principles of the Gifford-McMahon Cryocooler. The modular system can be purchased with the filter bank nitrogen generator if a purity ≥ 98 percent is required. At a small scale, the system is designed to be mobile and fit into most user locations, regardless of space or environmental restrictions.
For more detailed information, please see the Liquid Nitrogen Plant Flow Diagram or contact Cryomech Sales.
Product Highlights
Liquid Nitrogen Plants
Cryomech products
Liquid Nitrogen Plants Models
Liquid Nitrogen Plants
Cryomech Products
Custom Options
Scientific research often requires specialized equipment that has never been built before. We fully understand this, and are happy to build customized solutions for our customers and their unique applications.
Commonly provided customizations include:
- Conflat Flanges
- ISO Flanges
- Gas Feed Throughs
- Electrical Feed Throughs
- Recondensing Heat Exchangers
- Gas Pre-Cooling Tube